On Sun, 24 Jan 1993 21:34:54 EST Barry Krawchuk <BDK01@ALBNYDH2> said:
>Since installation of  1.7e, the files are mailed, but  the contents are
>wrapped at the 80th column. This is definitely new.
This is because  1.7e introduced support for mail with  lines longer than
80 bytes. It  is not generally possible for LISTSERV  to know whether the
target system  can handle mail  with lines longer  than 80, but  it would
certainly  be  counter-productive to  run  everything  through LPUNCH  by
default. The purpose of LPUNCH, when  it was introduced in 1986-7, was to
provide  a simpler  alternative to  Netdata  for NJE  sites which  didn't
support  it yet.  The acceptance  factor of  LPUNCH in  the Internet/unix
world is pretty close to zero (ie  I consider myself lucky if I don't get
flamed by  users who got  a file in that  format). You can  still request
LPUNCH  format by  tagging your  command with  'F=LPUN', but  it will  no
longer be the default.