[log in to unmask] (Douglas M. MacFarlane):
> We are interested in putting-up a listserver here at ILS.  Is there a
> public-domain or inexpensively licensed listserver for Unix, either SunOS,
> AIX, or Ultrix?
There are two packages I'm aware of.  Both of them are unrelated to
Eric Thomas' LISTSERV.  They furnish commands similar to the VM Listserv
(same syntax, functionnalities might be a little bit different).
Both are free of use.
"listserv version 5" -- available by anonymous FTP at several places,
authors' archive is somewhere at Boston University (try ftp.bu.edu,
ftp.cs.bu.edu or look at archie).
"tulp-3.0.2" aka "The Unix Listserv Program" has mainly been developped
under AIX and runs also fine on SunOS. Available by anonymous ftp to
several sites. Authors' site is grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr, the file is
pub/unix/mail/tulp/tulp-3.0.2.tar.Z or by mail send "get tulp tulp-3.0.2.uue"
to "[log in to unmask]".
Christophe Wolfhugel    |    Email: [log in to unmask]