Gene V Glass writes
[unconsciounable things deleted]
>    It seems to be raining Error messages on me, now in the third year of
>   our existence. I spend lots of time just deleteing the darned things.
>   Removing dead people from the list takes lots of my time. It's not
>   uncommon that some instructor in Detroit or whereever will signon the
>   entire class, and at the end of the semester they all disappear and I
>   have to clean up after them.
How are they doing this--by having each student sign himself up?  This
must be a royal pain in the butt for the instructors.
You could probably make their lives much easier by offering a "bulk
signup service" where a professor can sign up his whole class just by
sending you a list of all his students' e-mail addresses (which he
probably has online anyway).  Then send that file to listserv as a
bunch of adds at the start of the semester and a bunch of dels at
the end, which should take you maybe ten minutes total.
Of course, you would never do something like this simply to make
your own life easier, only as a service to your users ;-).
>  There are some errors messages that must be coming from
>  old concealed users who I can't discover at all. So am I fated to spend
>  eternity deleting error messages from these ghosts?
Well, when I do a "query centam-l for *@*" it sure looks to me like I'm
getting the concealed users.  Or is your difficulty in something other
than learning the addresses?
John Schonholtz                                 [log in to unmask]