On Thu, 11 Feb 1993 17:30:35 +0100 Eric Thomas said:
>>Eric, I would  love to play the  CD's forever and ever.  However, I have
>>been  notified  by the  electrical  company  that the  new  frequencies,
>>through which AC electrical current will be provided, will sometime this
>>summer  come into  effect, furthermore  creating harmonic  distortion in
>>CD-player controls that dis-allows the listeners to program the player.
>No, you have  read in a magazine  about golf that there  are rumours that
>CD's will  stop working soon.
Metaphores shatter as soon as someone breaks the rules.  No, I have
statements from my postmaster, my Netnorth Rep., and members of this
list that say the my Listserv lists won't be able to work right when
my University drops RSCS communication protocol from their system.
>>Now here is where the big quandary comes into effect. I am noticing that
>>electrical  companies  all  around  the world  are  adopting  these  new
>>frequencies as  part of their systems.  Oh yes, they offer  both the new
>>and the old frequencies. But for how long?
>It  is irrelevant  since  appliances  working on  DC  couldn't care  less
>whether the original frequency was 50Hz  or 60Hz.
Then, according to our metaphore, you are saying that Listserv will
operate equally well at a site which does not support RSCS communication
protocols.  I just want to get this point clear.  All Listserv features
will remain intact.
(notice how sometimes these "statements" can be read as questions?)
Everyone, Eric then continues to beat me over the head with a baseball bat,
letting his frustration out on me over a point that I had already conceaded
to.  I erased the bloody smear here because it really gets us nowhere.
It seems that I must restate these points that someone seemes to need to
ram down my throat.
1. I understand little to nothing about computers compared to the demi-gods
   present in this forum.
2. I'm a complete idiot and can't remember one thing from one minute to
   the next.
3. Somebody sat me down in from of this keyboard-screen thing, and told
   me that I was in charge of ~650+ graduate students in psychology and
   their communication.
4. The two big official people here at uottawa are telling me that the
   Listserv program will not be able to run right (um, not be maintained
   and updated?) without the letters R-S-C-S, whatever that means.
5. I wrote to a group of people who do the same type of "in-charge" stuff
   I do, and told them that they were going to take my magic R-S-C-S
   letters away.
6. They said, no problem.  The solution is to move your group somewhere
7. I have noted that when machines are at other places, they are not
   always available.  If I have a problem here, I can pick up a telephone
   and call someone for help without paying long-distance charges.
   If I have to call someone from far away for help, I have to pay money.
   This is a problem because I don't have any money.  It is all put into
   tuition and living expenses.
8. I wrote again to the same group of "in-charge" people to ask them if
   any of them saw the same problems I did, asked them if they had any
   notion of major trends re: these changes at other places.
9. Then the biggest guy there beat me up and called me stupid.  But I
   knew that anyway (see item #2 above).
10.Now I dare ask the "in-charge" group of people if I can continue to
   do all the things I have been doing with my group of people if THEY
   take my magic letters (R-S-C-S) away.
11.I just want the answer to that question so I can get away from here
   before that big guy beats me up again.
Please excuse the blithering monologue.  That's not my shape at all.
But I seem to have been hammered into ths hole.  Eric, I'm sorry about
your panic.  I agree with you 100%.  There is absolutely nothing to
panic about.  Have fun!  ;-)
 | _  l  _  * Matthew Simpson          * BITNET:                      |
 |  \_l_/   * School of Psychology     * [log in to unmask]        |
 |    l     * 145 Jean Jacques Lussier * INTERNET:                    |
 |    l     * Ottawa, Ontario K1N 8P5  * [log in to unmask]    |