On Tue, 23 Feb 1993, Dave Phillips wrote:
> Perhaps I'm just getting old, but it seems to me that if one uses
> the net with other adults to discuss issues of public importance,
> be it technical or political or social, then one should be willing
> to put one's name on the opinion. Apologies in advance to anyone
> who feels this comment to be aside the list's purpose.
> -dave phillips, owner of biosph-l, plearn-l, nasirn-l, grdemp-l
This is a perennial problem, and yes people should be willing to
be identified with expressions.  However, there have been cogent
arguments for the need for totally annonymous post in special,
very limited instances (such as being tracked down by the secret
police of ones country (hope I'm not talking of the US) out to get
anyone who opposes the official line).
Personally, I just forge the address if I want to be anonymous, but
I only do it for fun stuff (Cristmas greeting from Santa at the North
Pole, etc.) or to help out someone who can't get rid of multiple
subscriptions to a list.  Wouldn't do if I *really* wanted to be
anonymous, as I'm not that knowledgeable.  It works fine for lists
but wouldn't do for private email where the full header is present.
Douglas Winship    Austin,Texas    [log in to unmask]