On Tue, 23 Feb 1993 16:18:54 -0900 John W. Redelfs said:
>protected under the Constitution.  But can we be sure that this will
>always be the case?
Hell, I can't be SURE the sun will rise in the morning....though I figure
it probably will.
>It is my understanding that everything we say on these lists is
>archived, possibly forever.  Why should I make it easy for criminal
  Archiving is a local decision of the listowner.
>so without feeling inhibited by the thought that everyone and his
>mother is listening in.
  There are ways of doing this, within the limits of listserv, but
there is sure no way you can be guaranteed that an infiltrator won't
join your list, etc.  To say nothing of the wiretapping or other
security issues at your site or others.
>to exercise my Constitutional rights to free speech, free assembly and
   You have those rights on the net....just don't count on the privacy.
>confidentiality.  How can she use the Internet to discuss cases?
  Well, that depends on how much she wants to trust private mail to
do so.
>social problems among victims of incest, sexual child abuse, etc.
>unless some privacy is brought to the Internet?
   There are some semi-private or private LISTSERV lists.  For example,
   There are ways....for example, the 12step list is a non-LISTSERV list
that a friend runs off a Unix box in California with one of the off-brand
pseudo-listserv systems.  You can't auto sub or unsub....he does it for you.
Messages are automatically distributed, but if you send one directly
to the listowner he will post it completely anonymously if you so request.
This kind of thing COULD be done on LISTSERV too.   On that list people
discuss the full range of their sex/drug/alcohol/food/cigarette/etc
addictions and problems.  Lots of heavy stuff.  Reasonably private.
Can I be guaranteed complete privacy?  No.  Of course I can't guarantee
that someone isn't eavesdropping outside my AA meeting either.  o-)