> Your local guru is wrong.  Since he/she has not registered,
> with the BITNET authorities, that 'MSSTATE.bitnet' and 'RA.MSSTATE.EDU'
> are the same machine, then 'LISTSERV@UGA' can't take advantage of this
> information, and do "efficient" (from your point-of-view) E-mail routing.
And you, as usual, sound like a stuck record.  No, my local guru was *NOT*
wrong.  If you've read Harold Pritchett's explanation on the list, you know
the answer.  Not every place even HAS bitnet, you know.  If we ditch bitnet,
which I wish we would if for no other reason that to make you quit punching
your boring send button and saying the same shit over and over and over
again, then you could no longer say that anything should be registered
at whatever it is that your boring mail keeps going on and on about. Forget
bitnet.  The fact that MSU does have bitnet is totally irrelevant.  There
was nothing in the current situation to make the fact that we do have bitnet
part of the picture in any way.
Bottom line:  You're wrong.
> So, whenever your guru registers the Internet "alias" for MSSTATE,
> the problem should vanish.
The problem vanished as soon as Harold fixed the UGA situation -- which
is where the problem was.