> I'm looking for a site to host a list for the discussion of
> abortion topics.
OH NO!  It's even reached LISTOWN/LSTSRV!
One man once made a comment about mail lists.  He said, sooner
or later every list gets a discussion on abortion!  This is
getting to be true, just like Andy Warhol's comment that
eventually everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.
If you ever do get your list, normally you'll have two
sides on it who do nothing but file polemics at each other.
They can be divided up into "They're butchering babies" and
"They want to send us to coat hangers."
I never thought it would be possible, but I got both sides to
agree on something once, which was my idea which, unsurprisingly
I found both sides opposed.  I suggested that all abortions
(including those where a mother's life is in jeopardy) be prohibited,
and the only exception be abortions for sex selection.  For some
reason, both sides did not like that idea.  :)
Paul Robinson -- [log in to unmask]