> May I suggest that you learn how to forge mail before lecturing us on the
> respective  merits of  systems  which you  have,  no doubt,  considerable
> experience with?
> Three people signed on to the list just today, what kind of impression is
> this little  game giving them? This  is supposed to be  a *serious* list,
> after all :-)
Why is this, from [log in to unmask], not a lecture on the respective
merits of systems (and even earned an honorable mention)
> we might have to open some new sites.  Some suggestions I have gotten
> include "Hottest.hell.int" and "unix.hell.int" but I rejected the last
> one as being redundant.
     (We suspect this list-manager is a minion rather than the nether
       boss himself)
but this direct response, in the same vein, from [log in to unmask],
*is* a lecture on the respective merits of systems.
>As usual, this banished dastard has it wrong.  There is no such address
>as unix.hell.int , nor can there logically be, as it is an oxymoron.
>The address is vms.hell.int , and yes it _is_ redundant, but what can
>we expect else from such a one whose name shan't be mentioned?
     (We ain't saying whether Number_1 is the upper boss Himself or
       one of His minions)
Why the public castigation of the one and not the other?  The message
from dante.hell.int was interpreted as being humorous.  The response
from unix.paradise.net was sent, it was thought, in the same vein.
I thought we were trying to divert attention from some recent postings
which were a bit acrimonious on a topic which can't be resolved on the
If the nether boss denigrates unix what would be more natural than for the
upper boss to denigrate vms?  Neither indicates the actual position of the
writers of the messages, so far as I know.
The reply from unix.paradise.net would have used the subject line used
by dante.hell.int if there had been one.
I didn't use a more sophisticated forging technique as I saw no reason to.
As long as my strictly for fun stuff is distributed by the listserver with
the From: line I specify I couldn't care less if someone in a privileged
position, with some work, can figure out who it actually came from.  The
only time I forge mail is for fun stuff or to help someone having problems
with a subscription, as I have stated on this list. I have also stated
that the technique I usually use is easily traceable by anyone in a
position to do so.  I don't care about that as my ends aren't nefarious,
nor am I soliciting critiques of my forging technique.  And yes, I can
manage both vms and unix.
If all levity is banned from the list, my apologies.  I was not aware of
the policy.  I shall never send anything of the sort again if such is the
case.  Can't help but wonder, though, why humor from some is okay but
not from others.
Since the beans have already been spilled, might as well sign this.
Douglas Winship    Austin,Texas    [log in to unmask]