> >And this  is the  real question:  why was the  message sent  with forged
> >headers, making  it appear that Natalie  had flamed someone in  a public
> >forum (i.e., committed an ethical breach)?
> [...]
> been a forgery. Then  you take it for granted that  flames on public fora
> are  unethical. Maybe  in  the US  it  is unethical,  but  in many  other
The issue to me was not so much that I appeared to be sending public flames
as it was (1) the deceitful forgery that was (probably) involved, (2) the
lack of context (my note to Melvin without the background of our earlier
correspondence seemed weird at best), (3) the inclusion in my reply to
Melvin of quotations from his private mail to me -- something I would not
have done in a public posting.
   --Natalie ([log in to unmask])