>  As of  Wednesday, March  the 31st  of 1993,  you have  been removed  from
>ORCS-L distribution  list (Operations  Research/Computer Science  Interface)
>[log in to unmask]
Ask any listserv (TELL LISTSERV) --
     show nad sscvax.cis.mcmaster.ca
You'll find that wucolin is the Network ADministrator.  NADs, by
definition, are allowed to delete userids originating at their node (or
:internet. equivalent) from REMOTE lists.  If the list is "protected",
they might need a personal password assigned to them on the remote
LISTSERV (not list) i.e., PW ADD pswd; and then reference the PW.
If I sent the following to listserv@osuvm1
     DEL * *@PSUADMIN PW=xxxx
from my NAD account on PSUADMIN, it would delete all PSUADMIN and
OAS.PSU.EDU userids from all lists maintained on OSUVM1.  (Don't do
it unless you mean it).
/Pete ([log in to unmask])
Peter M. Weiss                     |              oas.psu.edu postmaster
31 Shields Bldg -- Penn State Univ.| "He was a couple of diskettes short
University Park, PA USA 16802-1202 |     of a complete hard disk backup"