Would it be  possible to develop a command so  that people who forget
to register their "newnode" can send a change out (as a NAD) and have it
implemented around the net?
   Or,  maybe a  keyword  that can  prevent this  kind  of double  kill,
perhaps with some sort of option to tell LISTSERV if this is a change of
nodename  or a  delete of  all users  (requires the  NAD to  consciously
choose the type of change)?
** ------------------------------------------------------------------ **
**  Geert K. Marien  :  [log in to unmask] (Bitnet: GKMQC@CUNYVM)  **
**        ListOwner: AIRLINE, RAILROAD, STAMPS, The INDIA List        **
**    (All contents are my own opinions - unless otherwise stated)    **
** ------------------------------------------------------------------ **