A fix shipment is being distributed to prevent a second occurrence of the
SAS-L loop. In  addition to the fix for that  problem, this shipment will
introduce  a number  of changes  as a  result of  development code  added
shortly after 1.7f was released:
- The  free storage  "warning" thresholds  for non-backbone  servers have
  been increased to  reflect the fact that all servers  are now liable to
  receive DISTRIBUTE jobs for their own local users.
- The FOR  command was converted  to PASCAL to  fix a number  of problems
  associated  with "Subscription=  Open,Confirm"  lists and  as a  result
  LSVFOR  EXEC is  now  obsolete. To  provide  consistent behaviour,  the
  "victim" will now be mailed the  command output even if the FOR command
  was sent via TELL.
- SHORTBSMTP is  now the  default header type  for BITNET  subscribers as
  well. Users whose  mailer (still) cannot handle this  type of addresses
  must issue a 'SET listname SHORTHDR' command.
- The historical "To: count" loop detector is no longer active by default
  (that is, "Loopcheck= NoToCount" is now the default). To reactivate it,
  code  "Loopcheck=   ToCount<,MaxTo(nnn)>".  Note  that   this  function
  predates  "Daily-Threshold=" and  merely ensured  that loops  never ran
  indefinitely; it  did not actually  prevent delivery errors  from being
  posted to the list.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you must add:
to LOCAL SYSVARS if you run  LMail or XMAILER R2.10. Even though LISTSERV
will set  this variable  when it  realizes it is  dealing with  LMail, it
should be  in the configuration file  to avoid problems if  MAILER is not
logged on when LISTSERV is started.  To date 18 servers are sending PUNCH
format files to a ND-capable mailer and that is a pity.