Has the procedure for deleting a file (or list) changed in V1.7f?
I issued the command LSVPUT SPCEDS-L (DEL just as I thought I used to
do and got back the following message:
The file you sent  back did not contain any header line.  A list must start
with a  header (contiguous  lines starting with  an asterisk),  defining at
least a title for the list. You should probably REVIEW another list and use
it as a sample.
PUT operation rejected, old list remains unchanged.
and the file sent back to me by LISTSERV looks like this (even though
I didn't send it a file):
Jim Gerland  - Consultant, Network User Support           University at Buffalo
Academic Services, Computing & Information Technology     Buffalo, NY 14260
716.645.3557 Work                                         716.645.3734 FAX
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