On Wed, 14 Apr 1993 16:43:02 PDT Dave Gomberg said:
>It seems to me only fair that if MSU charges to have lists then we should
>charge readers at MSU to read our lists.  Do you all agree?  I'll bet that
>would get the charging dropped in about five minutes.   Dave
Sorry, I don't agree.  We also charge for storing lists IF the list keeps
archives (or files), i.e., requires disk space.  You can create a CMS
userid without disk space and this costs the list owner nothing.  Without
this policy I can see some of our disk hungry lists taking up all the
available space we could dish out.  This policy also forces the list
owner to be more than a casual owner, after all it is their computer
account that is being charged.
Lots of sites charge for disk space used by their lists.
--Greg Kroll