I haven't had to deal with maintaining filelists, but I am a list owner.
Something has happened to the archived notebooks for my list, and
possibly others, hosted by CUVMB.  Unfortunately, no one is currently in
charge of maintaining LISTSERV here, so nobody has even tried to find
out what's wrong.  As far as I can tell, the problem occurred about the
time 1.7f came out, but I can't be sure because the list doesn't have
much traffic.  Things were ok on March 30, but dead on April 10.  The
first symptom of failure was a note to me and the other owners as
  Error 24  from LSVDACC ("Filemode 'D'  is not allowed for  library files.")
  while logging mail for IBM$KERM. An incomplete copy of the message might be
  present in  the notebook.  List is  being held  with current  mailing being
The notebook setting has always been "yes, d, monthly, public".  Now,
issuing the command INDEX NOTEBOOK to LISTSERV@CUVMB results in an
aborted listing that contains the same error message as shown above
("Filemode 'D' is not allowed for library files.").  Does this situation
sound as if it has a simple explanation?  In the meantime, my list is
still being held, but there are probably only two or three messages
stacked up.  As a stopgap, I could probably just change the list to
"Notebook= no", and that might allow distribution of messages, but I
hate to do something like that.  Is there anything else I should try as
list owner without any help from the management?