From: Paul Robinson <[log in to unmask]>
Organization: Tansin A. Darcos & Company, Silver Spring, MD USA
George Frajkor <[log in to unmask]>, writes:
[Text edited]
   (for the tekkies among us, here follows the bounce.  there is
   no user 100012.674 on the list at all, and the only other
   users with compuserve addresses give the list no problems.)
   Received: from by
   Received: from by
Well, until I realized your site is Carleton.CA I thought that there's the
point.  Do all of your messages go through "alfred", or just some of them?
You can use a test mailing and see who it is.
Take the mailing list for the list that you are having a problem with.
Tack onto each user the line number they are on, or put a unique code.
Then take this list and feed it into a distribute mail script, like this:
//TO DD *
[log in to unmask]     001
[log in to unmask]   002
Date:  Mon, Feb 31, 1996 24:10:15 (-2600)
From:  Who I am <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Test Message
A number of recipients have been getting bounced mail.  If you receive
this message, you may ignore it.  If your address is bad, this message
will be returned to me and I will be able to find out where the problem
is.  Please do not reply to this message as I might think your address
is bad and delete you from some lists you are on.
//send EOJ
Mail this (from address 'list-manager') to your nearest LISTSERV
that can handle distributions.  The bounces should tell you who is
If you still can't find out who the bounces are, take the same list,
assuming you can see what your "personal name" is on an incoming message
(see below for what I mean), but using an editor or a program, have it
take every entry in the list and send a single message, like this:
//TO DD *
[log in to unmask]     Charles Zykowicz
Date:  Mon, Feb 31, 1996 24:10:15 (-2600)
From:  Error 001 <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Test
Test - Ignore
//JOB001 EOJ
//TO DD *
[log in to unmask]   Jack Ryan
Date:  Mon, Feb 31, 1996 24:10:15 (-2600)
From:  Error 002 <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Test
Test - Ignore
//JOB0002 EOJ
And so on for 20 or 50 or 2000 recipients, if you have to.  You take
this as one file, and submit this to listserv.  If it's a very large
file, break it into pieces of, say, 100 entries and send it to several
listservers so as to reduce the overhead on the network, or do it at
2 in the morning.  Or both.
Note, one requirement of this is that the Personal Name that is
sent to must be visible to you for the second option to work.  What
that means is that when a bounce message comes back, it should be
marked with "ERROR 009" as the name of the recipient.  If your mailer
won't do this, then you have a problem.
For example, my precise account on MCI Mail is "0005066432" and
it can be addressed as either "[log in to unmask]"  (That is what
is sent out on a message transmitted) or by the identifier for the
account, "[log in to unmask]".  Both point to the same mailbox and
if you send a message to either address they both go the same place;
the only problem is that if you send a message to
TO:  Paul Robinson <[log in to unmask]>
TO:  Paul <[log in to unmask]>
TO:  [log in to unmask]
Do you know what *I* see?  This is what MCI Mail *always* shows:
TO:     * Tansin A. Darcos & Company / MCI ID: 506-6432
It does not matter what the "personal name" is on messages sent to me;
I never see it.  So to use method two, your system has to allow you
to see them.
Paul Robinson - [log in to unmask]
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I'd love to go out with you, but the last time I went out, I never came back.