On Wed, 28 Jul 1993 16:19:33 EDT Roger Burns <[log in to unmask]> said:
>What  I wish  I  could do  is  to  set Send=  POST-L  and then  manually
>subscribe certain people to POST-L who will be the narrow class that can
>send directly to the main list.
Send= (POST-L)
>A second option I wish I had is to set Send= Editor and then set Editor=
>POST-L but I think I can't do that either, n'est-ce pas?
Send= Editor Editor=POST-L@nodeid,(POST-L)
Send= Editor Editor=JOE@nodeid,(POST-L)
In the first example, mail is passed  to the entire POST-L list which may
not be what  you wanted. It may  also not be possible to  forward it back
the way LISTSERV says.