On Mon, 5 Jul 1993 14:54:31 GMT Rich Metzger said:
>We will be dropping our BITNET node soon which will require our users to
>change their address to our internet address.  does listserv have a service
>which would allow our users to broadcast their new address to the network,
>specifically to all the lists everyone currently belongs.   many of our users
>belong to mucho lists, so any help for them would be welcomed.  thanks for
>any help.
What I would suggest is have them do a UNSUB (NETWIDE, and collect the
list names (and addresses that they were subscribed to).  I'll also
have the side benifit of showing them the lists that are inactive that
they were subscribed to.
Chris Barnes            |   President - Bryan/College Station
[log in to unmask] |         Retriever Club
(409) 846-3273 (home)   |   "Dedicated to the betterment of
(409) 845-8300 (work)   |               the retrieving breeds"