On Wed, 21 Jul 1993 15:29:22 EDT Peter M. Weiss said:
>It seems that the LISTSERV distribute algorithm is picking the UGA site
>as the closest backbone distribute point for many of your postings, or
>gateway to other backbone LISTSERVs, esp. for Internet addresses.  (I
>I just fetched the backlog of SMTP q'd mail from UGA.  The snapshot
>indicated 1569 undelivered messages, plus another 240 pending Name
>Service resolution.
>Maybe HAROLD@uga could chime in?
I think for the most part, the mail gets delivered pretty well here.  I just
looked at my smtp logs (both of them) and when you add up the numbers, we
delivered approximately 150,000 mail messages to internet addresses every
day this week.  There are currently no RDR files waiting to be processed
and there are approximately 2400 files in the disk queues.  These are files
for which SMTP has not yet been able to open a connection to the destination
Over the weekend, we did have a problem.  We lost one of our VMNET links on
Friday, and the number of files in RSCS's reader passed the LISTSERV cutoff
limit, taking listserv offline.  By the time the link came back up, and
the files were sent, we had passed the total files in the VM spool limit,
so LISTSERV still didn't come back online.  The limits we were running
with at the time were 9000 files for RSCS and 25,000 files for the entire
spool.  It looks like 25,000 is to small a number for our system, so we
have increased it to 35,000.  Hopefully, we won't get in this situation