On Tue, 27 Jul 1993 00:44:37 +0200 Eric Thomas said:
>able  to accomplish  that through  the use  of the  list topics  feature.
>Simply define  a new  topic and  inform subscribers  that people  who are
>interested should  enable that topic.  The first  time, you will  have to
>QUIET SET  * TOPICS=OTHER and add  "Topics= Other" to the  list header so
>that  normal subscribers  only see  miscellaneous articles,  and messages
>posted under a specific topic only go to people who want to see them.
Hmmm.....  I couldn't find any information about a TOPICS feature.  Here
is a list of the files I looked through....
      Filename Filetype  Date placed on Disk
      -------- --------  -------------------
      LISTKEYW MEMO           5/21/93
      LISTSERV MEMO           5/21/93
      LISTARCH MEMO          11/13/90
      LISTAFD  MEMO           8/09/90
      LISTLINK MEMO           7/12/90
      LISTFILE INSTMEMO       9/12/89
      LISTDB   MEMO           9/03/88
      LISTDIST MEMO           4/19/88
      LISTFILE MEMO          10/18/87
      LISTSERV REFCARD       11/16/86
      LISTOWNR MEMO          11/16/86
      LISTJOB  MEMO          11/14/86
Where can I get more information about options that can go into the
header of a list (such as Digest, Topics, etc.)?
Chris Barnes            |   President - Bryan/College Station
[log in to unmask] |         Retriever Club
(409) 846-3273 (home)   |   "Dedicated to the betterment of
(409) 845-8300 (work)   |               the retrieving breeds"