On Fri, 6 Aug 1993 10:58:16 -0400 Una Smith said:
>PS:  Perhaps the LISTSERV help documents should be posted periodically in
>the Usenet newsgroup bit.admin.  They might also be made into formal Usenet
>FAQs for cross-posting in news.answers and archival on rtfm.mit.edu.  This
   Makes sense to me.  Of course there just might be a few usenet purists
who would object to even that much tainting of their sacred ground.  o-)
btw, I use Bitnet, Internet, and Usenet regularly, and have no interest
in getting into any religious warfare on their various pros and cons,
advantages and disadvantages, etc.
  Dan Lester                          Internet: [log in to unmask]
  Network Information Coordinator     Bitnet:   ALILESTE@IDBSU
  Boise State University Library
  Boise, Idaho  83725                 In the kingdom of the blind, the
  208-385-1235                        one-eyed man is king.  Erasmus. 1523