On Wed, 4 Aug 1993 18:33:27 +0200 Eric Thomas said:
>On Wed, 4 Aug 1993  08:58:10 CET Hans-Ulrich Giese <[log in to unmask]>
>>do you have a release date for 1.8 ?
>I have another 1-2 weeks of work  and then it should be possible to start
>beta-testing. On  the other hand  only paying  customers will get  1.8 as
>already announced, so I am pretty much dependent on the amount of license
>agreements I receive from  EARN in that time frame. By  the way, I didn't
>get any from you ;-)
yes i know -( -( the responsible people of SURFnet decided to sign the
contract by themself. unfortunatly they are on vacation. of course i'm willing
to sign the contract by my own, but i fear i will get a lot of trouble from
them when doing so.
>  Eric