Question 1:
    The number of Internet hosts on our campus vastly outnumbers our BITNET
    hosts.  I am responsible for mail questions on a number of them.
    Our NAD can send signoff requests on our BITNET hosts.  Is there a way
    to send a signoff request for Internet hosts on our campus?  Could someone
    be setup to be the quivalent of a NAD for our domain (
Question 2:
    I've served as a backup to our NAD for a long time on ISUMVS.  Is there
    a way I can issue signoff requests myself?  I currently must send the
    request to my NAD and he remails it.  (Or I forge the signoff when he's
    out of town).
Wayne Hauber             |  Programming Consultant/Network Information
[log in to unmask]     |  Iowa State University Computation Center
[log in to unmask]   |  (515) 294-9890