> I have no clue, even after reading the tips file, how to go about doing
> this.  I think I understand the procedure (get the headers, edit them,
> and put them back), but beyond that I'm not sure HOW to do this, mostly
> because I do not understand the terms the tips file throws around.
> Can anyone take a few mintues and explain to me in moron terms I can
> understand what exactly I need to do?
Since I'm not sure exactly what it is you don't understand and I don't
know what kind of system you're on, I'll try to help by telling you
what I do.  Say I want to change the daily threshold of WORDS-L to 400.
Here's what I would do:
(1) Send e-mail to [log in to unmask] with 'get words-l (header'
as the complete body of the message.  Assuming the system there is up,
as it usually is, I'll have the headers in my mail within a few seconds.
(2) I take the list of headers LISTSERV has sent me and go into my
favorite editor, which happens to be vi.  I delete the mail headers,
add the password in the PASSWORD=XXXXXXXX line at the top, and change
the line I want to change (the daily threshold line).
(3) I mail the edited file back to [log in to unmask]  Within a
few seconds I have a response from LISTSERV saying that the WORDS-L
headers have been successfully replaced.
   --Natalie ([log in to unmask])