>You seem to be describing two different phenomena.  Anyone who posts a
>message to a list will get a copy of any bounced mail generated by that
>message.  That always happens, and there seems to be no technical way
Excuse me -- that always happens?  I didn't think so, in a properly set up
listserv program with errors going to owner.  It *does* happen in some
pseudo-listserv programs, I've noticed, and in simple redistribution lists
like NIGHT-L.  When I post to the Dark Shadows list, I inevitably get back
at least one error message with a whole list of addresses that wouldn't
accept the posting.  It's never happened to me with a proper listserv,
though, save where a review shows errors *not* going to owner.
>-- Roger Burns   [log in to unmask]
Mario Rups
[log in to unmask]