On Thu, 16 Dec 1993 13:00:47 -0600 you said:
>On Thu, 16 Dec 1993, Nick Laflamme wrote:
>> Reply-to=sender,respect (or sender,ignore, if you prefer) will take effect
>> immediately for the list; it's not an option that users can set for
>> themselves (unlike REPRO or ACK, for example).
>What does 'respect' and 'ignore' do?  My lists are all set to 'List,
>repsect' and I guess I'm not sure what the second one does.
They control what LISTSERV does with Reply-to:  tags found in incoming mail
to a list.
In fact, from the fact that my reply initially was going only to Robert
privately but most replies from this list go back to the list, one can
surmise that LSTOWN-L is list,respect and that Robert's mail normally has a
Reply-To:  tag for some reason and LISTSERV respects it for this list.