It is a bit off the subject but the whole tone of that CREN brochure
struck me as "self serving" at the expense of all the members who are
really the ones who do 99% of the work!  As an example, I have this feeling
that BITNET III will depend on local members providing all the installation
and technical support necessary to keep the local access going (but I only
suspect that - I don't know for sure).  It would be sort of like CREN taking
credit for the BITNET backbone in the US when you and I know who is paying
the freight on that one!  ;-)
   I fear that if CREN doesn't get off their duff and get moving on
the L-Soft stuff they are going to lose members faster than they ever
dreamed.  Instead of designing brochures I sure would have rather had
them completing the deal in the same timeframe that EARN did.