On Sat, 4 Dec 1993 10:21:40 EST Jeff Finlay said:
> ... I thought what I would like to do instead is create a table of
>contents for the Notebooks.
I guess the table of contents would need to be sorted or have some sort of
index itself to be useful... but that's another topic!
>So I would like to know if anyone can suggest a template where
>a modification of
>        //ListSrch JOB Echo=no
>        Database Search DD=Rules
>        //Rules DD *
>        s * in
>        index
>        /*
>        //  EOJ
>will produce a table of contents with subject lines first and
>numbers second.
Yes.  Change the index line to:
index subjext.40 #
That will put the subject in the first 40 cols and the item number following
that.  Or perhaps you want something like index subject.45 #.5 date.10
Etc. Etc.  Just remember that # is the item number and you can specify any
fields and optionally their length in any order on the index statement.
Bill Gruber
City University of New York Computer Center