On Fri, 28 Jan 1994 11:52, John Trimble <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Further confusion concerning bitnet vs internet addresses.
> I am an owner of AFA-FIN. I have only an internet address.
> I can subscribe and post to any sublist of AFA-FIN.
> My co-owner, on the other hand, has both bitnet and internet addresses.
> He can post to a sublist if he is subscribed with his bitnet address.
> He cannot post if he is subscribed with his internet address.
> Could this be problem with the LISTSERV software?
No.  LISTSERV does not "guess" about Internet aliases for a BITNET node.  :-)
At the moment, 'LISTSERV@WSUVM1' (the "home" of the 'AFA-FIN' list),
is *not* logged-on, so I can't determine the BITNET node of your co-owner.
So, send E-mail to any *other* LISTSERV, e.g., the "backbone" 'LISTSERV@UWAVM',
and put the commands:
    SHOW ALIAS  bitnet_node_name
    SHOW ALIAS  Internet.node.name
into the "body" of the E-mail.
I suspect that LISTSERV will *not* recognize that there is any relationship
between the two nodes.  It would be nice if the authorities at that BITNET
node would update the information with the BITNET Network Information Center,
i.e., add a ":internet.Host.Name" tag to their BITNET node-definition.
That would allow LISTSERV to recognize the equivalence of the two names.