I had the same problem with many error messages from ibmmail.com
complaining about messages exceeding 79 columns. I deleted the subscriber
from my list and let the postmaster know about the problem. The pm just
sent me a message today to let me know which mail addresses should not
receive the error messages. I gave him that information and also asked if
possible to have my entire system be freed from those dumb messages. I
also suggested that if his system's truncating all mail to his users, then
that is a big disservice to his users who might want to get mail that's
wider than 79 columns, but I have not heard back from the pm yet.  Any
system which limits incoming mail messages to 79 columns is not very useful
and if ibmmail.com is a pay service of some sort, I think the clients are
being ripped off.
  Stan  Horwitz  Internet: [log in to unmask]  Bitnet:  STAN@TEMPLEVM
  Temple University  -- Senior  Consultant (My  views are  all mine!)
  Manager of the Help-Net and Suggest lists and Listserv Postmaster.