> Date:    Fri, 18 Feb 1994 14:02:41 CST
> From:    Rich Winkel <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Still wanting to change index retrieval instructions
> I never received a reply to this question.  I can't find it in the
> lstown-l archives either.  Could someone help?
> >The instructions which are sent with activ-l's indexes don't work for us.
> >I'd like to write my own.  Could someone explain what I need to do to
> >put the new instructions online?
> Thanks for any help!
> Rich
Ask your listserv postmaster for a copy of the default MAILFORM that
listserv uses to extract messages to send to users.  Find the part that
refers to index retrieval, and delete all the rest (except for any
initial formatting commands.  Then edit the text to say what you want.
I recommend turning off formatting by putting a  .fo off  on a line before
your text starts, otherwise listserv will do bizarre things with your
layout.  Also, avoid using quote characters if possible.
When you have rewritten your instructions, rename the file to ACTIV-L
MAILFORM and send it back to your postmaster for him/her to put it on
the correct disk (you most likely will NOT have write privileges to that
disk.) Listserv will search there first for administrative messages for
your list.  If it doesn't find the one it wants, it will use the one
from the default MAILFORM, so only the index instructions will be
different.  Be sure to include only the messages you have changed, since
your list specific MAILFORM will override any updates that may be made
to the default one.
Be sure to check with your postmaster about the correct syntax for the
Hope this helps,
Bruce Dienes
quaker-l, quaker-p, slfhlp-l