On Sun, 27 Feb 1994 20:27:47 +0100 Eric Thomas said:
>evidenced by  the following  message, there is  something wrong  with the
>gateway for that domain.
>*---------------------- Original message follows -----------------------*
>Your message could not be delivered to:
>    smtpuser@BITNET-GATEWAY
Unfortunately, this is a rather common problem/bug with PMDF/Open VMS in
that for some unknown/unexplainable reason mail does not properly get
delivered to the userid smtpuser so PMDF cannot properly deliver it to
the user.  Here are some steps to look into:
1) Check the ALIASES. file to see that it has a line:
   smtpuser: smtpuser@bitnet-gateway
2) (The most likely problem)
   Check that the userid SMTPUSER has it's mail correctly forwarded.  Turn
   SYSNAM on, go into MAIL and then, at the MAIL> prompt, type:
   show forward /user=smptuser
   If it doesn't respond with:
   SMTPUSER has mail forwarded to IN%"SMTPUSER@your-node"
   Then issue the command:
   set forward /user=smtpuser in%"""smtpuser@your-node"""