On Mon, 28 Feb 1994 10:36:39 MST Marshall Adams <[log in to unmask]> said:
>Now  2 questions.  We now  have an  extra (read  OLD) CMS  used only  by
>LISTSERV  and L-MAIL.  What  penalty,  paging Etc.,  are  we paying  for
>IPL'ing a strange address rather than the Saved Shared Segment?
In  principle 1.7f  and 1.1d  should work  under CMS10,  in spite  of the
warning. This being said,  it is better to make a  shared segment for the
old CMS, that you  will want to keep around for a  while to isolate other
compatibility problems.
>And, un-related, when  the TCP/IP version of LISTSERV is  ready, will we
>still have the peer benefit?
Yes, nothing is changed in this respect.