M Rups writes:
>>Our, i.e. the listowners', point of view is that adults have, presumably,
learned the art of critical thinking and common sense.  They will have
*some* chance, at least, of recognizing intellectual twaddle when they see
it.  They will also have the sense to ignore, or report, off-list
harrassment, or solicitations to join this or that off the wall group of
What, however, about the youngsters?  Would they spot a con as readily?
Know what to do should the loonie fringe make direct contact?  Bring common
sense to bear on seemingly authoritative twaddle?<<<
Scary as it may seem the quality of judgment most people will have as adults
is probably in place sometime in adolescence.  A year ago I watched as my
then 14 year old daughter and 38 year old sister signed onto and chatted
on the CB band of Compuserve. My daughter had much better judgement in
sensing the wierdos.  I think you either censor or live with the risk that
on the net some people young and old will have bad judgement.  I'd rather live
with the risk.
Eleftheria Maratos-Flier