Since a few days I'm second listowner of list SASH-L (running on
LISTSERV@ASUACAD). Reviewing the lists notebook, I found the
following strange thing. The list is having a weekly notebook, started
on September 1992. However, a part of the notebook (the archives
9210B to 9304A) is appearing twice in the filelist. It seems it's
nothing more than a cosmetical mistake (the file is only sent one
time when it's ordered), but I can't figure out how to remove this
part of the notebook (without deleting the other). Any help is
appreciated. The notebook shows up as:
*  NOTEBOOK archives for the list
*  (Weekly notebook)
*                             rec               last - change
* filename filetype   GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs   date     time   Remarks
* -------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- ---------------
  SASH-L   LOG9210B   PRV OWN V      79   139 92/10/12 14:16:35 Started on
                                              Sat, 10 Oct 1992 12:29:38
    ... to:
  SASH-L   LOG9304D   PRV OWN V      79   411 93/04/28 11:57:49 Started on
                                              Thu, 22 Apr 1993 21:03:58 MST
*  NOTEBOOK archives for the list
*  (Weekly notebook)
*                             rec               last - change
* filename filetype   GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs   date     time   Remarks
* -------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- ---------------
  SASH-L   LOG9210B   PRV OWN V      79   139 92/10/12 14:16:35 Started on
                                              Sat, 10 Oct 1992 12:29:38 MST
    ... to:
  SASH-L   LOG9403C   PRV OWN V      76   194 94/03/18 18:34:53 Started on
                                              Tue, 15 Mar 1994 11:32:38 MST
Fred Melssen     | Centre for Pacific Studies     | voice and fax:
P.O. Box 9108    | Department of Anthropology     | +31-80-783666 (home)
6500 HK Nijmegen | University of Nijmegen         | +31-80-612362 (office)
The Netherlands  | e-mail: [log in to unmask] | +31-80-611945 (fax)