I am second owner of list SASH-L, running on ASUACAD. The other list-
owner, mentioned first in the list, is receiving all error-messages.
But no messages are sent to me, although I receive all list-mails,
and the listname-request@listnode mails. I hope someone can help me.
=========================header SASH-L===============================
*  Sociologists Against Sexual Harassment
*  Review= Private   Subscription= Open         Send= Private
*  Notify= No        Reply-to= List,Respect     Files= Yes
*  Confidential= Service                        Validate= Store only
*  X-tags= yes       Stats= Normal              Ack= No
*  Notebook= Yes,E,Weekly,Private
*  Errors-to= Owner
*  Owner= AZPXS@ASUACAD              (Phoebe Stambaugh)
*  Owner= [log in to unmask]  (Fred Melssen)
*  Owner= quiet:,U211610@HNYKUN52
Fred Melssen     | Centre for Pacific Studies     | voice and fax:
P.O. Box 9108    | Department of Anthropology     | +31-80-783666 (home)
6500 HK Nijmegen | University of Nijmegen         | +31-80-612362 (office)
The Netherlands  | e-mail: [log in to unmask] | +31-80-611945 (fax)