I have  been fighting this issue  with EARN-Spain on internal  EARN lists
for a while, with little success so far. The only feedback I ever got was
the usual  complaint about  not having reported  the problem  through the
proper channels, ie privately to  postmaster@esgbox (which Aldo had done,
in Spanish  and very  politely in  spite of 3  weekdays without  a single
message,  but for  some reason  nobody  ever answered),  along with  some
background information, a statement that such complaints are very harmful
and that  their authors might  be personally responsible for  causing the
death of  EARN-Spain if they  don't stop,  and no concrete  commitment or
promise to address the problem. Having been involved with EARN for over 8
years now,  I was neither surprised  nor worried at this  reaction. Spain
and some other countries have shown  this kind of unresponsiveness in the
past and the only consequence is that a lot of people have to waste a lot
of time  before the  problem can be  solved, but it  gets solved  all the
The root  of the problem  is that  ESGBOX is an  underpowered, unreliable
system  running  obsolete software  and  not  monitored  the way  such  a
problem-prone setup would need to be monitored. Because it runs JNET V3.4
it  does  not support  multi-streaming  and  there  are often  queues  of
thousands of  files between ESGBOX  and the national node.  Sometimes the
box  starts rejecting  all incoming  messages  with "No  such local  user
SMTPUSER" and production traffic is lost.  This goes on for several days,
so the machine is clearly not monitored on a daily basis. There is a free
and working  alternative called INTERBIT,  but for one reason  or another
EARN-Spain  refuses to  take  the service  off ESGBOX,  and  there is  no
authority  that can  force EARN-Spain  to  switch to  INTERBIT. Which  of
course  doesn't mean  LISTSERV has  to route  the messages  as EARN-Spain
wants. EARN-Spain only represents a small minority of LISTSERV users, who
I am sure would agree that a  working gateway is better than lost mail if
one were to ask them directly :-)
Unfortunately  until  the  CREN/L-Soft   agreement  and  the  145  Member
licensing agreements are  signed, most of the world will  be running 1.7f
on which  I can't update DOMAIN  NAMES to make LISTSERV  use INTERBIT for
.ES. Fortunately there is LINKSWT2  FILE which, together with the removal
of  all Spanish  LISTSERVs from  the backbone,  would allow  me to  cause
traffic to .ES to go somewhere else,  where a local override can point it
to a working  gateway. From then on  it shouldn't take more  than a month
for  EARN-Spain  to  write  an infuriated  letter  making  me  personally
responsible for all  the problems ever to arise in  this world, including
the decision  by the university  that ran  ESGBOX to stop  providing this
service free of  charge, at which point  they will have no  choice but to
accept to change  DOMAIN NAMES to point .ES to  INTERBIT at a significant
loss of functionality to Spanish users :-)
I expect to activate this rerouting within a couple weeks, as SEARN can't
handle  any extra  traffic and  I'm still  waiting for  JNET for  the AXP
3000-600 which will take over its SMTP function.