Not sure if I should send this to lstown-l or to lstsrv-l, but...
Initially, I believed this problem to be identical to the recent one with
UBVM subscribers.
I've had repeated requests from subscribers at FAUVAX to verify (also
posted to the list) that the list was still alive.  I received private
mail (and responded to same) to the effect that USCVM, ARIZVM1, and UGA were
most certainly still alive.  Those messages were not received (making this
situation different from the UBVM situation where private mail was received
with no problem).
Is there a problem at NER, SERVAX, or is it at FAUVAX?  The 'Internet'
address of 'ACC.FAU.EDU' seems to work, since I finally got a response
indicating that my private mail had gotten through...  but BITEARN NODES
doesn't indicate an equivalency...
Oddly, while I've received his mail with no problem (but don't seem to be
able to reply), he tells me that another person at his site has also
requested a subscription, but I have no record of such a request...
Any help sorting this out would be much appreciated.