>As for "policing" signatures, I have a very strong sentiment AGAINST
>that.  A signature is just that, sort of an identifying mark.  Yes, many
>people put cutesy quotes or personal policial messages in theirs (hell,
>even _I_ have THREE political messages hidden in mine, can you find
>them?), but it really shouldn't be any big deal and certainly not grounds
>for banning.  Sig. content should be ignored if you don't like it.
Within certain limits, I agree.
In the early days of the net (pause while I put on my net-old-codger
hat), signatures were limited to 4 lines; in fact, the most commonly
used Usenet software *enforced* this limit.  In recent years, signa-
tures have become somewhat bloated; I often see 8- and 10-line signa-
I would (quietly) drop a note to anyone using a signature in excess
of 4-6 lines.  Again, it's not a question of content; it's a ques-
tion of extraneous material.