On Mon, 21 Mar 1994 15:19:46 PST Richard Hintz said:
>I'm a bit confused on the things which need to get done if our site
>wants to:
>--take advantage of the L-Soft/CREN agreement for NJE Lmail and Listserv now
>--dump CREN in July
>--license and use LMail and Listserv-IP outside of the CREN agreement
>We want to maintain as much continuity with the network as possible and
>be as non-disruptive to our users as possible.
>Has anyone worked out the task list for this?  Thanks for any help.
>  Richard Hintz  [log in to unmask]  OPSRJH@UCCVMA (BITNET)
>  University of California
I am also interested in pros and cons of dumping CREN.
Univ of Ala