A new price list for CREN members is now available from LISTSERV@SEARN as
GM9403-2.PS or  GM9403-2.MEMO (the postscript version  is recommended, as
there are many  tables in the document  that are a bit  difficult to read
with the plain-text version).
This price  list clarifies  the steps  to be  taken and  their associated
costs in the following scenarios:
- Remain CREN member, keep BITNET connectivity.
- Remain CREN member, drop BITNET connectivity.
- Leave CREN, drop BITNET connectivity.
- Leave CREN,  retain BITNET connectivity  (in case countries such  as MX
  should form a new cooperating network).
A number of special package offers  are included to better meet the needs
of  sites that  have  decided to  leave  CREN but  would  like to  retain
LISTSERV services.