We have a new postmaster who isn't up on some of the issues in
maintenance.  Every month he receives and installs the file that includes
the aliases, such as   idbsu  =   idbsu.idbsu.edu
      However, he doesn't know how to update that file to keep the
info on idbsu current.  So, since he's kind of buried, and I knew a good
place to ask, where I wouldn't get TOO many flames, I'm asking.
      Specifically, when you query the listserv for the alias for idbsu
it doesn't know of it, and I want very much for him to be able to add
that info.  We're not likely to drop bitnet real soon, but since most
of the subscribers to my seven lists are on internet only.....
      thanks...and personal replies appreciated.
  Dan Lester                          Internet: [log in to unmask]
  Network Information Coordinator     Bitnet:   ALILESTE@IDBSU
  Boise State University Library
  Boise, Idaho  83725                 In the kingdom of the blind, the
  208-385-1235                        one-eyed man is king.  Erasmus. 1523