Here are some "hits" from the LSTOWN-L notebook archives (sorry
to others who have made contributions for not including you in
the search WHERE clause) --
> S topics= in lstown-l where sender contains (pmw1 or eric or gerland)
--> Database LSTOWN-L, 14 hits.
> index
Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
001261 93/01/14 03:22   60   New features for 1.7f
001339 93/01/18 02:46  110   New features for 1.7f - "Filter=" and list
001401 93/02/08 16:39   58   Re: List of LISTSERV header keywords?
001586 93/03/13 10:18   56   DIGEST, TOPICS, and INDEX
001588 93/03/13 17:31   38   Re: DIGEST, TOPICS, and INDEX
001616 93/03/18 13:42   70   DIGEST boilerplate announcement/reference
001690 93/03/24 19:15   14   Re: Clarification needed about "TOPICS" header
001692 93/03/24 19:36   21   Re: Clarification needed about "TOPICS" header
001727 93/04/04 15:22  916   Changes from release 1.7e to 1.7f
001739 93/04/06 16:54   62   SUMMARY: Establishing WHICH topics for a list?
001761 93/04/10 16:34   32   Re: MAILFORM Variables
002162 93/09/14 08:32   36   Re: Wildcards using SET command
002795 94/03/02 07:36   32   Re: TOPIC
002798 94/03/02 13:59   35   Re: Individual Filtering of some topics
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