On Thu, 14 Apr 1994 14:12:56 EST A. Ralph Papakhian said:
>Has anyone else had this complaint recently? --Ralph Papakhian
Several of my listowners have reported the same complaint from their
subscribers.  At first I thought someone was confused, but the reports
have increased.  My next fear was that our incredibly Byzantine mail
system was causing it.  I think this is cause for some relief.
Dennis Boone
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I seem to be getting two of everything (or almost everything) from the
>MLA-L. Since I'm sure I didn't subscribe twice, I wonder whether your
>listserv has gotten confused and is sending stuff out twice. (I suppose
>it's also possible that a lot of confused people are posting stuff
>Hope Ehn               <[log in to unmask]>