Another news gateway question (which maybe trivial).
My list is unmoderated but the gated newsgroup is moderated and all
postings go to the moderator first.
I was playing around one day when I noticed that articles posted to the
newsgroup have the Approved : [log in to unmask] (or something
similar) header.
So I tried to post a self approved note (with the above header) and bingo!!
The post didn't go to the moderator but posted as usual !!!
Anything I can do ???
The headers of my list :
*  Ack= Yes                            Confidential= No
*  Daily-threshold= 150                Default-options= Repro
*  Files= No                           Mail-via= Distribute
*  Newsgroups= Bit.Listserv.Hellas
*  Digest= Yes,x1/300,Daily            Notify= Yes
*  Peers= AUVM,UGA                     Renewal= 3-Monthly
*  Reply-to= Sender,Respect            Review= Private
*  Send= Private                       Stats= normal,Owner
*  Subscription= By_owner              Validate= All commands
*  X-Tags= Comment                     Auto-Delete=Yes,Full-Auto
*  Notebook= Yes,X1/311,Weekly,Private
*  Digest= Yes,same,daily,size(1000),23:00