I would second a suggestion made by Roger Burns, I think.  Change the
subscription to By_owner.  If a person puts noise on the list, off them.
As people subscription, give them the admonition about what the list is
about.  This will require some work in the beginning, to crackdown, but
eventually the list will be pared down to those only serious interested
in the subject.  Keep a list of those that you have removed so that
if they try to resubscribe, you remember them and will just say no.
This would keep you from having to moderate the list forever.  Once the
list is cleaned up, you could invite those who quit back onto the list.
I would act now, and take the heat.  If someone demands their "right"
to babble, tell them to set up their own dang list, on their own machine.
Subscription to the list is a privledge.
(john riehl)
(yes, this topic did strike a nerve)