I have pointed the "Reply-to" address back to me, as this discussion
isn't connected directly to Listserv. I am in charge of documentation for
EARN, and I don't know what "EARN documents" people have been talking about
here. There is an EARN document on "Code of Conduct" from June 1990, when
the global network was much different from today. The document makes it
clear that it is talking about acceptable use within EARN. There is no attempt
to control, preach or suggest to other networks what they should or should
not allow. The document is available from [log in to unmask] by
sending mail with the line:  get conduct code
There are also statements of acceptable use for other NJE networks, eg,
CREN (BITNET), CAREN, CUNET, which are available from
[log in to unmask]  (GET CREN NET_USE, GET CUNET NET_USE, etc.).
They're in the NETINFO filelist. There are also documents on acceptable
use in the NSFNet, as well as JVNCNet, Suranet, and several other regional
TCP/IP networks in the US. You can find these at nis.nsf.net in the
directory: acceptable.use.policies  (via anonymous ftp).
A draft RFC on guidelines for formulating acceptable use policies in the
Internet is available from your nearest Internet document repository (eg,
ds.internic.net) in the directory: internet-drafts
as file: draft-ietf-isn-aup-01.txt
If you think that only EARN has an acceptable use policy, or that EARN is
trying to set policy for the world, then you are seriously misinformed.
David Sitman