There may be a lot of clogged mailers out there for those on
library lists.  Somehow, a previous digest for AUTOCAT (around
61Kb) got distributed as a message to the entire list.  So, I
expect that not only will that clog the systems, but the new
digest may contain all of the previous digest, making it even
larger.  Unsuspecting subcribers (and listowners) may have
problems as a result.
I believe I know the source of the problem, but haven't figured out
the cause yet.
Now the "Help!" part.
Our list is 100% open, despite having over 2500 subscribers, and we
have never used the FILTER keyword.  However, it looks to me like
I can prevent a repetition by installing it.
So, the question is this: will installing
Filter= [log in to unmask]
allow regular mail to go through but block weird loops?  I don't
want autocat@* as that would block some of the redistribution
subscriptions from replying to the list (we have several set up that
Sorry if I sound frantic, but I am.  We get hundreds of errors per
day and tomorrow I will be surprised if there is not a tidal wave of
gribes about this, which will have to be dealt with also.
        Douglas Winship    Austin, Texas    [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner