I've received about 20 messages in the past day from various
people complaining that [log in to unmask] won't let them
off (probably because their email addresses have changed from
BITNET to Internet style).  Apparently the owner is away, so
writing him/her doesn't help either.  Does anyone have a suggestion
for these folks, who seem to going into an increasing upset over
their mutual inability to do anything about stopping their mail.
(Example of the kind of posting I'm seeing below.)
I'm asking for this list, but I also note that a number of our local
list owners are looking at taking summer vacations and leaving their
non-moderated lists to fend for themselves.  I've told them that's
not a good thing to do, for precisely this reason.  But I don't
really know what recourse the subscribers have if some technical
problem occurs while the owner is away.  Insights appreciated!
Vickie Banks
[log in to unmask]
---------------------  (Forwarded message follows)  ----------------------
Date:         Wed, 18 May 1994 16:04:14 EDT
Reply-To:     Forum on Indian and Buddhist Studies
 <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       Forum on Indian and Buddhist Studies
 <[log in to unmask]>
From:         Bill Kish <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Re: Unsubscribe me from the list please!
Comments: To: [log in to unmask]
To:           Multiple recipients of list BUDDHIST
 <[log in to unmask]>
On Wed, 18 May 1994, Richard Belshoff wrote:
> I know this is not the appropriate place to post this message,
> but I have already tried sending the SIGNOFF BUDDHIST command
> to [log in to unmask]    and to
> [log in to unmask]  and _also_ to the list owner
> [log in to unmask]   trying to get off of this list.
> After almost two weeks, I have had no reply from the list owner.
I can definitely sympathize with this.  My reward for sending this
message will be several pieces of bounced email.  Like Richard Belshoff
and perhaps many others, I have sent mail to [log in to unmask] in
an attempt to correct the situation, but no response.  I also sent mail
to BUDDHIST, but only one person said they were having the same problem.
        I think its pretty clear that if [log in to unmask] is
anything more than a bit-bucket, he/she/it doesn't want to do their
job.  I have been trying to contact people at various addresses listed
in listserv help files, but so far I have not received a reply.  Does
anyone know how "list-owners" are selected ?  If enough people complain
to the right address, can we effect a change ?
-Bill Kish